ELBE Postdoctoral Fellowship Program 2023 in Germany

How to apply to ELBE Postdoctoral Fellowship Program 2023 in Germany

If you’re an aspiring postdoctoral researcher with a penchant for cutting-edge science and a desire to work in a cross-disciplinary environment, the ELBE Postdoctoral Fellowship Program 2023 in Germany might just be your ticket to new horizons. This program isn’t your run-of-the-mill academic opportunity; it’s a transformative journey that promises to nurture your research dreams while immersing you in the vibrant scientific landscape of Germany. Ready to delve into the exciting world of ELBE? Strap in as we take you through the ins and outs of this fellowship adventure.

Welcome to a realm where innovation thrives and scientific exploration knows no bounds. The ELBE Postdoctoral Fellowship Program 2023 is more than just a platform; it’s a launchpad for your research aspirations. As the clock ticks towards the application deadline of September 25, 2023, it’s time for you to seize this chance to be a part of a program that has redefined the way postdoctoral researchers envision their futures.

ELBE Postdoctoral Fellowship Program: A Glimpse into Excellence

Diversity is the heartbeat of innovation, and the ELBE Postdoctoral Fellowship Program recognizes that. Unlike traditional academic avenues, ELBE invites independent postdoctoral researchers from a spectrum of fields, including computational biology, theoretical physics, biophysics, bioinformatics, computer science, applied mathematics, cell, and developmental biology. The fellowship serves as a gateway to the Center for Systems Biology Dresden (CSBD), a hub that fuses various scientific disciplines into a harmonious symphony of discovery.

Program NameELBE Postdoctoral Fellowship Program 2023
Application DeadlineSeptember 25, 2023
Duration2 to 3 years
Eligible FieldsComputational Biology, Theoretical Physics, Biophysics, Bioinformatics, Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, Cell and Developmental Biology
BenefitsStipend, Research Budget, Travel Support, Access to Facilities, Collaboration Opportunities
Selection ProcessScientific Merit Evaluation, Selection Symposium, Public Talk & Confidential Meeting
Application ProcessOnline Application Form
Overview table of the ELBE Postdoctoral Fellowship Program 2023 details

Bursting with Benefits: What ELBE Brings to the Table

  • Unleash Your Creativity: ELBE is more than just a program; it’s an incubator for ideas. With the freedom to explore your research interests, you’ll have the chance to unravel mysteries that have eluded science’s grasp.
  • State-of-the-Art Infrastructure: ELBE doesn’t settle for mediocrity. As a fellow, you gain access to cutting-edge research infrastructure that elevates your scientific pursuits to unparalleled heights.
  • Financial Support That Empowers: Worried about finances? Fear not. ELBE offers competitive personal financial support, ensuring that you can focus on your research without financial constraints.
  • Global Collaboration: The world is your oyster at ELBE. Collaborate with eminent scientists, both within and beyond CSBD, as you embark on a journey that transcends geographical boundaries.
  • Travel Grants and Research Funding: ELBE believes in your potential, and that’s why it equips you with the resources you need to explore new horizons. Travel grants and research funding pave the way for your discoveries to reach international audiences.

ELBE Postdoctoral Fellows Program Details: Essential Information

  • Location: Germany
  • Level: Postdoc
  • Application Deadline: September 25, 2023

Research/Job Area: Where Your Passion Meets Opportunity

ELBE recognizes the power of interdisciplinary collaboration. The program beckons researchers from diverse backgrounds, including:

  • Computational Biology
  • Theoretical Physics
  • Biophysics
  • Bioinformatics
  • Computer Science
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Cell and Developmental Biology

Eligibility Criteria

ELBE isn’t just for anyone; it’s for those who are passionate, driven, and ready to make a mark in the scientific world. To be eligible, you should:

  • Be a strong postdoctoral researcher in fields like computational biology, theoretical physics, and more.
  • Possess a burning desire to work in CSBD’s integrative setting, embracing the power of collaboration and cross-disciplinary exploration.

Duration: Your Commitment to Excellence

Embarking on a journey of scientific discovery takes time. ELBE acknowledges this and offers a duration of 2 to 3 years for its fellows. This window provides you with the space to fully immerse yourself in your research pursuits and make a lasting impact.

Job/Position Description

Picture this: a public scientific presentation that showcases your research brilliance, followed by a private meeting with the selection committee. If you’re successful, your journey as an ELBE fellow begins within four months of your acceptance. It’s not just a job; it’s an opportunity to sculpt the future of your field.

How To Apply?

Here’s where the rubber meets the road. The ELBE Postdoctoral Fellows Program 2023 application process is your chance to make a lasting impression. Follow these steps:

  1. Online Application: Access the online application form via the ELBE website.
  2. Complete the Form: Fill in the necessary details and provide the required documents.
  3. Submission: Submit your application online or via email, ensuring you’ve included all the essentials.
  4. Further Details: For a comprehensive understanding of the application procedure, head to the Official Website.

Apply now via this link here!


What’s the Selection Process for ELBE?

The selection process hinges on scientific merit. Your track record and research proposal are evaluated initially. Shortlisted candidates undergo a selection symposium, featuring a public scientific talk and a confidential meeting with the selection committee.

What’s the Stipend for ELBE Fellows?

ELBE Postdoctoral Fellows receive a monthly stipend of €3,500. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

What Benefits Await ELBE Fellows?

Beyond the stipend, ELBE brings forth a treasure trove of advantages, including research funding, travel support, access to world-class facilities, and the chance to collaborate with global scientific pioneers.

When’s the Deadline for ELBE Applications?

Mark your calendars for September 25, 2023—it’s the final date to submit your application and potentially change your scientific trajectory.


The ELBE Postdoctoral Fellowship Program isn’t just a program; it’s an opportunity that beckons you to reshape the future of science. So, gear up, gather your research dreams, and apply today. Remember, this article is brought to you by OnlyNeek—a platform that unlocks doors to scholarships, fellowships, and the most sought-after online courses, all on a single platform. Your journey begins with a click—take that step now!

Apply now via this link here!

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