The Google Ads Ecom Academy Course 100% Off

The Google Ads Ecom Academy Course By Tristan Broughton FREE

Are you an aspiring e-commerce store owner looking to take your business to the next level? If so, then you’re in luck! Introducing the highly acclaimed and comprehensive Google Ads Ecom Academy course. This course, designed by Tristan Broughton, a certified Google Ads Specialist, is your ultimate guide to leveraging the power of Google Ads for maximum profitability. In this article, we will provide an in-depth overview of this exceptional online course, covering its key features, benefits, and frequently asked questions.

The Google Ads Ecom Academy Course

Rating:4.8 out of 5
Duration:5 weeks
Fee:Paid (We offer you a 100% Off Coupon)
Offered By:Tristan Broughton
The Google Ads Ecom Academy Course By Tristan Broughton Overview

The Google Ads Ecom Academy course is a step-by-step video program that equips you with the knowledge and skills necessary to set up and run profitable Google Ads campaigns for your e-commerce store. With over 40 training modules and 900+ minutes of engaging video content, this course offers a comprehensive learning experience tailored to both beginners and advanced marketers.

Course Highlights

  1. Store Setup: Learn how to design a high-converting store specifically optimized for Google Ads. Dive into topics such as store layout, persuasive product descriptions, pricing strategies, and consumer psychology, ensuring your store creates a buying frenzy.
  2. Store Compliance: Discover the essential steps to set up your Google Ads account while avoiding suspension or bans. Master conversion tracking, synchronize your Merchant Center, and drill down on item ID specifics to maximize profitability.
  3. Product Research: Uncover Tristan’s unique methods and criteria for finding winning products that thrive on Google Ads. Learn how to identify hot-selling dropshipping products that can potentially skyrocket your success.
  4. Google Ads Setup: Gain in-depth knowledge on how to set up your Google Ads and Merchant accounts for optimal profitability. From syncing with the Merchant Center to implementing effective conversion tracking, you’ll be equipped with the tools to drive success.
  5. Google Ads Testing: Stay up-to-date with the latest Google Ads testing methods. Discover cost-effective strategies to test multiple audiences, ensuring you make data-driven decisions while minimizing wasteful spending.
  6. Shopping Campaign Mastery: Immerse yourself in live walkthroughs where Tristan sets up campaigns and transforms them into highly profitable assets. Learn from his expertise and witness firsthand how successful campaigns are built.
  7. Campaign Optimization: Unlock the secrets to campaign optimization and watch your ads become more profitable. Discover techniques such as day scheduling, bid adjustments, and location settings to maximize your return on investment.
  8. Campaign Scaling Secrets: Understand how to identify scalable products and learn proven methods for scaling your campaigns rapidly. Gain insights into Tristan’s strategies for sustainable growth and expansion.
  9. Search Campaign Expansion: Learn how to leverage your highest-converting products and create effective search campaigns. This module provides valuable insights into tapping into additional revenue streams.
  10. Google Ads Remarketing: Finally, discover the power of dynamic remarketing ads based on your product feed. Explore how to engage and re-engage your audience, enhancing your overall marketing efforts.

What You Get In Google Ads Ecom Academy

When you invest in the Google Ads Ecom Academy course, you gain access to an extensive range of valuable resources and bonuses, including:

  • Training modules featuring over 40 videos covering product research, profitable Google Ads setup, and campaign management (valued at $997).
  • A bonus module focused on Search Campaign Expansion, empowering you to tap into additional revenue streams (valued at $297).
  • Access to the Customer Community within the Private Course Facebook Group, where you can connect with fellow students and receive support from Tristan and advanced marketers (valued at $497).
  • Direct access to Tristan’s trusted supplier, providing you with a competitive edge in sourcing high-quality products (valued at $497).
  • A list of negative keywords accumulated over the past three years, helping you refine your targeting and optimize ad spend (valued at $297).
  • Lifetime access to all future course updates and video requests, ensuring you stay up-to-date with the latest strategies and techniques (valued at $497).

But that’s not all! As an exclusive offer, we at OnlyNeek provide you with a 100% off coupon for the Google Ads Ecom Academy course, making it accessible to you without any financial burden. So don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to transform your ecommerce business.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Will this course be updated? Absolutely! Your purchase grants you lifetime access to the course, including all future updates. As Tristan continuously adds new modules and videos, you can rest assured that you’ll stay ahead of the curve.

2. How long will I be able to use the course? Once you’ve purchased the course, you’ll enjoy lifetime access to its content. There’s no need to worry about additional fees for updates or time limits on your access.

3. Is the course beginner-friendly or advanced? The Google Ads Ecom Academy course strikes a perfect balance between catering to beginners and offering advanced insights. Whether you’re new to e-commerce or an experienced marketer, you’ll find immense value tailored to your level of expertise.


In conclusion, the Google Ads Ecom Academy course is a game-changer for e-commerce entrepreneurs seeking to boost their online success. With its comprehensive video training modules, expert insights, and valuable bonuses, this course equips you with the necessary tools to harness the immense potential of Google Ads. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced marketer, Tristan Broughton’s expertise and guidance will empower you to make data-driven decisions, optimize campaigns, and drive profitable results. Don’t miss out on this extraordinary opportunity to take your e-commerce business to new heights. Enroll in the Google Ads Ecom Academy course today and unlock the path to sustainable success!

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